Saturday, April 15, 2006

Council Inconvenience

OK, so it's spring time and that means doing stuff in the garden so that it's ready for the summer. Everyone know this. Apparently not the council.

Due to various bits of garden work that I've done over the last couple of years, I basically need to replace some of the turf in the garden. Far too many weeds and moss for a treatment to be able to cope with and about 20 bits of turf isn't going to break the bank, and is the easiest way for me to solve the problem.

However that means that I need to dig out and dump the old turf. This counts as soil (especially given the lack of grass involved). This is where I have encountered my problems. My council (or the contractors) have decided that they will only take 6 bags of soil a month. My registration has been taken, so I can't take any more down for another month. That works out at about 2sq meters a month. That's a lot of bags on the driveway (good job it's long!).

What's really annoying is that one of the neighboring councils (sadly too far to drive) is willing to let people dump as much soil as possible.

Obviously flytipping is illegal and I won't be doing that, but they are hardly doing a lot to prevent people from straying down that path.

At least I'm getting the garden looking nice I suppose, even if the council are doing their best to stop me!


Whatever said...

So ridiculous isn't it? Can't you put your weeds and stuff in the garbage bin? Or perhaps you should get a compost bin.

Whatever said...

So ridiculous isn't it? Can't you put your weeds and stuff in the garbage bin? Or perhaps you should get a compost bin.

Chris said...

I wish I could just dump them in the main bin. Unfortunately there are rules that state that I'm only allowed to put 1 small bag (ie carrier bag) of 'cuttings' into the domestic bin.

I'm still waiting for them to get back to me, but I suspect that they might decide to take their time on that. Will update if I get any response though.