Thursday, April 20, 2006

University Challenge

Ok, bit of a rant again (not intentional), but was absolutely fuming after a chat I had with a good friend.

We all know about university fees being introduced and like it or not, they are currently here for the payment (in part) for tuition and other university stuff. However I think that we have the real situation that some universities are going to be using this idea as a real money making scheme.

Now before we start thinking about fees being raised above the £1000 mark, this is about something totally different.

Many courses have a workplacement year. Good idea, totally for it. Give students an experience of the real work environment, plus the posibility of employment after they finish thier final year. During this year the students work at the company, get paid a nominal amount, but have their accomadation and some other stuff paid for. However, there's very little, if any, input from the university during this year.

So, that being the case, why do they feel that they have the right to charge tuition fees for that year. OK, they are cutting the fees in half, but that's still £500 for actually doing nothing. Multiply that up by all the students doing placement years on all the courses and suddenly that's a lot of money for doing nothing.

I suppose at least the directors will be able to take their pay without crippling the university now.

Hopefuly something less rantful next time.


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