Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Making Friends

OK, so slightly later in the day than I had planned, but hey I've been busy.

As promised, a thought or two about friends and how we make them. I've just got back from a ski holiday where there were about 60 of us in total. Now I went with just one mate, but after the week have felt like I've left behind (because they are scattered around the country) a load of good friends, despite having known them for only a week.

Now it might be that I was just very lucky and we had a group of about 60 were everyone really got on well with each other, which meant the group gelled really well.

But what is it that has turned us all into friends in the space of a week. I feel sure that part of it is the sort of living together under one roof thing. But it must be more than that as I've been on other similar holidays and not felt the desire to stay in touch with others on the trip.

What was also interesting is that it wasn't really a holiday where there were lots of little cliques. Yeah people has others they would sit with for breakfast or dinner, but it wasn't a permanent arrangement and people often moved tables and sat with others.

So, why do some large groups just work whereas others clearly don't. Was the time thing enough for people to get to know each other without knowing each others faults too much to stop the friendships developing.

I suspect that there are some clever people out there who will be able to put a scientific term to all of this, or will invent one. I just find it interesting that I feel far more attached to this group of people than I did with those from previous years. Certainly hope to be keeping in contact with a load of them.

OK, two posts in two days, I suspect that some may be feeling like I'm going for the overkill.

May add tomorrow as well, depends on whether.

Till next time,


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