Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Late nights

OK, so a fair bit of time between blogs, but then you should check how long it's been since I posted on my blog site!

I now seem to be suffering more late nights, but this time, not at my own deliberate making. Insomnia being the problem in a nutshell (as you can probably guess from the time that this is being posted). It's been going on for about 2 weeks now and I'm not entirely sure why. There isn't anything at work that is particularly bothering me, and I don't think that there's anything socially either. (I don't think that poor tennis is on my mind that much!!!)

So I'm left to wonder what the cause of it is. A friend has said that its something most of us go through at various times in our lives (the sleeping aids aren't helping much). Could it be that having spent many nights up watching DVDs or reading books late into the night has turned me into a creature who now can't sleep when he wants to? I'll not be happy if that's the case.

Anyhow, it's now 2 and I'd like to try to get some sleep before a long day at school tomorrow, preparing for another long day (open evening) on the Tuesday.

Hopefully won't wait as long for the next blog.

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