Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What no questions?

Well despite what I thought might happen, the parents evening was a total success (just). The technology was being a real pain and refusing to work properly. This would obviously be a bit of a problem as the IT room is very boring if it's just tables and chairs. Thankfully though the webcam came back on-line just in time for the first parents to walk through the classroom door. I was quite surprised that it was such a hit with the little ones, though I', not sure I needed to see as much dentestry as I did in the end.

It's frightening to think that within a month of the new school year, we've already had the most important day in the school's callender. I have to say though, that it was the busiest I've known it (though that could have been parents hanging around the ICT room longer).
Feet are currently killing me as I've been on them for the majority of 13 hours non-stop. Hoping that they will stop hurting by tomorrow.

Quite tired so will keep it short and sweet. Am tempted to cheat a little and copy in some posts on other blogs that I'd had to keep some sort of consistency.

Anyway, off to bed now.

Catch people later


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