Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's amazing who you meet

OK, so it's the day after the open evening and it's a quiet day at school. Inset for one and a relaxed atmosphere with a number of staff going out to visit students on work experience placement to check that everything is going ok.

So, I do what needs to be done during the morning and lunchtime annd off I go to the first work experince placement.

Anyway, I arrive and have a chat with the kids to make sure that everything is going well. Finish chatting with them and then the receptionist goes to get one of the managers that they have been working with.

I'm not sure who was more surprised when the manager turns up and it happens to be and old friend who I haven't seen for over 5 years. Still it made it a nice interview and I know that I can trust her with what's been happening and some requests in terms of helping the kids get the most out of the placement. Was also good to catch up on what we'd been doing and how we came to be chatting to each other today.

Always think it's nice (generally) to bump into old friends. Did it on here the other day, so it serves some purpose.

Even bumped into someone I knew at the second placement visit, though I seem them quite regularly anyway, so wasn't quite the same.

Anyway, thats all really for now. Need to go and play/set up the new PDA that was delivered today (yes I'm a geek).

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