Sunday, January 13, 2013

Personal Forth Brigdes

Well it’s probably one of the coldest days of the year so far.  It’s about 2C outside (that’s about 35F in old money for those who are unsure) and I’ve chosen this day to do a spot of gardening.  Wrapping up warm means that it’s not too bad and I know that people go out and garden in much colder climes, however it’s not the weather that is the main purpose of the post.

I’ve been working on my garden for over 8 years now, and compared to what it was like when I moved in (an overgrown wilderness at best), it is incomparable.  However this doesn’t happen by magic.  As all gardeners will know, it takes time and energy to keep a garden maintained.

I don’t mind this.  I find it great to plan things, see them come to fruition and to keep things going so that they continue to look good.  I am always wondering about how to change things and what I can do to make things easier to maintain (short of concrete which would defeat the point of a garden).

I often think of a garden in the same way as George Lucas thinks of films (something clearly shown in the different releases of Star Wars).  He once said that a film is never finished, merely abandoned for a variety of reasons.  I often wonder whether my garden will ever ‘be finished’.  I know the work on it will continue year in, year out, but in terms of it’s design, well possibly one day.

Until then, my garden will continue to be a bit like the project of painting the Forth Bridge used to be, with work always needing to be done.

However, I will enjoy it in the summer!

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