Saturday, July 16, 2011

Its Been Too Long

OK, so it's been a bit of a long time since I last posted. 3 years plus if I'm counting.

There have been many changes since Hong Kong, though no major trips, so nothing has been missed out in that respect. Main changes have been in respect to 'normal' everyday life, whatever that means.

Main one is work having left teaching. Wondering what my next step is. Got a decent enough temping assignment, pay isn't great, but it's better than JSA and I know they want me to go perm, if only I could convince them to pay the upper end of the salary range, it would make such a difference in terms of both my mindset and how I spend my free time.

Currently most evenings involve searching through job sites to see if there is anything new that I can apply for. If you leave it too long, then some jobs just disappear (some overnight!) and the job sites that grabs jobs from all the other sites get too long to go through if you leave it too long. The other annoyance with them is that they advertise the same jobs as new that day even when they aren't.

Anyways, I'll post musings about recruitment agencies etc in another post another time. Just wanted to say in the best Jack Nicholson way possible "I'm Back"

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