Friday, April 13, 2007

Long Time - No Blog!

OK, so it's been absolutely ages since I've bogged recently.

Several reasons.

1) Been quite ill recently. Not the sort that keeps you off work, but enough to stop me doing a load of other stuff. Bloging, understandably, not at the top of the list of things that need to be done got pushed to the sideline.

2) Quite a lot of work stuff to do. Easter is always busy with school work coz the year 11 stuff has to be preped for being sent off to the examiners. That means getting it all marked etc. Having my work colleague off on maternity leave also means I've an extra group to do. (That's not a winge, just a fact).

3) The weather has been rather good over the hols. Given that we've had two weeks of lovely weather I've been determined not to spend the whole time indoors. I've done school work in the evening when the sun has gone down, but during the day I've been a right Alan Titchmarsh. Stuff I have done in the garden over 2 weeks (minus 2 weekends as I've spent them both away).

Sprayed both inside and outside of a new garden shed.
Constructed garden shed (on my own!)
Built a 'mini' greenhouse.
Cut the grass a couple of times.
Done some edging round the lawn.
Weeded the garden
Prepared a vegtable patch
Done a load of planting/replanting
Serious plant maintance
Planted a pair tree
Put up two hanging baskets
Painted two outside doors
Built a new garden gate
Sprayed said garden gate
Put up garden gate
Built a freestanding hammock
Started to 'create' some new lawn

So as you can see, I've been busy. Hence no blog.

Things might get back to normal shortly. Year 11 leave in 4 weeks time so that should give me some more free time as well.

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