Sunday, December 24, 2006

Life's Surprises

OK, this news item is a few days old now, but I'm gonna post on it as there can't me many out there who will have had this experience.

So, I'm in the local supermarket and I look at the newspapers and think 'I know that face on the front of the Daily Mail. Now I will admit to not normally being someone who will instantly trust the Mail, but thought I'd investigate further. So home I go to the internet.

Now a few years ago there were a few of us from church who decided to go salsa dancing and to have lessons. We ended up at a local club called Club New York. (Now closed and re-named The Church, which is what it was originally, and was its earlier club name!)
Anyway, the main instructor for the beginners group was this guy.

So, turns out I know a spy! (I'm waiting for the MPs to call ).

To be honest he wasn't the nicest of people, a tad sleazy (offered to sleep with someone I was seeing at the time), but I don't think that any of us had him labeled as a spy.

So, that's my Christmas surprise. What's yours?


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