Sunday, December 24, 2006

Life's Surprises

OK, this news item is a few days old now, but I'm gonna post on it as there can't me many out there who will have had this experience.

So, I'm in the local supermarket and I look at the newspapers and think 'I know that face on the front of the Daily Mail. Now I will admit to not normally being someone who will instantly trust the Mail, but thought I'd investigate further. So home I go to the internet.

Now a few years ago there were a few of us from church who decided to go salsa dancing and to have lessons. We ended up at a local club called Club New York. (Now closed and re-named The Church, which is what it was originally, and was its earlier club name!)
Anyway, the main instructor for the beginners group was this guy.

So, turns out I know a spy! (I'm waiting for the MPs to call ).

To be honest he wasn't the nicest of people, a tad sleazy (offered to sleep with someone I was seeing at the time), but I don't think that any of us had him labeled as a spy.

So, that's my Christmas surprise. What's yours?


Wednesday, December 20, 2006


OK, so it's been a while since I've been to a gig, but hey, I was no way near the oldest.
So, I've got a few Madness albums at home and when it was mentioned at the tennis club I thought, why not. Of course I didn't remember that it was the penultimate day of term and how tired I'd be (let alone the usual chance of being a bit ill).
So I went to the gig. Oddly enough, after the gig I felt a lot better. Can't really explain why. Probably a bit of adrenalin helping to get over the tiredness, but I genuinely felt better afterwards as well. Now is that just the relaxing or is there something else about a gig that helps. As I said, not a huge fan, but enjoy their music well enough to go to a gig. So we’re not looking at the euphoria of seeing your fav band perform, but obviously something else instead.
The gig itself was good. The usual mix of classic songs and stuff from their new album. Knew about 2/3rds of the songs so that made me relatively happy.
What was a nice touch was that they had clearly had someone do some local stuff for the show. The big projection screen had local images on a few occasions (notably ‘Our House’) but also had pictures of those who had dress up in fancy dress for the night as they came in. They also had their kids (at least I assume it was their kids) dancing on stage to the last song.
Overall, an enjoyable evening, would have nice not to have been so knackered before hand, but would recommend it to anyone who is considering going to see them.